Shim Lab is recruiting!
새로운 실험실 가족을 모집합니다.
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이메일 지원 후 면접
Shim Lab moving to Seoul National University in February!
We are thrilled to annouce that Shim lab will be relocating to SNU this February. With this move, we are excited to launch the next chapter of our research!
To support this new beginning, we are looking for highly motivated and passionate graduate students to join our team. We will soon post details. Stay tuned!
Congratulations Jaesung!
February 21st 2025
Jaesung has successfully defended his M.S. thesis!
Congratulations Jiwon & Co.!
October 11th 2024
Our proposal for the crystallization master factor has been selected for the 2024 Samsung Science and Technology Foundation Fellowship! Our lab will be supported by the Samsung Science and Technology Foundation for the next 5 years.
Congratulations Mingyu, Eunji, and Daewon!
June 26th 2024
In this article, we described that Drosophila crystal cells—myeloid-like immune cells called haemocytes—control respiration by oxygenating Prophenoloxidase 2 (PPO2) proteins. Through this study, we propose that insect immune cells collaborate with the tracheal system to reserve and transport oxygen through the phase transition of PPO2 crystals, facilitating internal oxygen homeostasis in a process that is comparable to vertebrate respiration.
Shin M*, Chang E*, Lee D*, Kim N, Cho B, Cha N, Koranteng F, J-J Song, and Shim J (2024) Drosophila immune cells transport oxygen through PPO2 protein phase transition. Nature
Congratulations Bumsik and Mingyu!
April 22nd 2024
In this article, we identified how nitric oxide (NO) maintains the progenitor quiescence through a type of post-translational modification, called S-nitrosylation. Specifically, we demonstrated the epidermal growth factor receptor as a target of S-nitrosylation, resulting in its retention within the endoplasmic reticulum and blockade of its receptor function. This study highlights developmentally programmed S-nitrosylation as a critical mechanism that induces protein quality control in blood progenitors, maintaining their undifferentiated state by inhibiting cell-cycle progression and rendering them unresponsive to paracrine factors.
Cho B, Shin M, Chang E, Son S, Shin I and Shim J (2024) S-nitrosylation triggered unfolded protein response maintains hematopoietic progenitors in Drosophila. Developmental Cell
Welcome SangHyun!
March 1st 2024
SangHyun joined the lab as a graduate student.
Welcome Jae Seong!
March 1st 2023
Jae Seong joined the lab as a graduate student.
Welcome Jong Hyun!
March 1st 2023
Jong Hyun joined the lab as a graduate student.
Congratulations Mingyu!
December 9th 2022
Mingyu has passed his PhD thesis defense.
Congratulations, Dr. Shin!
Congratulations Sunggyu and Mingyu!
November 12th 2022
In this review, we discuss the systemic functions of inter-organ communication mediated by the brain in four distinct categories: (1) nutrient sensing and feeding, (2) gastrointestinal activity and metabolism, (3) development and metamorphosis, and (4) immunity and hematopoiesis.
Yoon S*, Shin M*, and Shim J (2022) Inter-organ regulation by the brain in Drosophila development and physiology. Journal of Neurogenetics
Congratulations Ferdinand and Bumsik!
March 31st 2022
In this review article, we summarize intrinsic and extrinsic factors determining the blood progenitor state during hematopoiesis in the lymph gland.
Koranteng F*, Cho B*, and Shim J (2022) Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of hematopoiesis in Drosophila. Molecules and Cells, 45(3), 101-108
Congratulations Nuri!
December 6th 2021
Nuri has passed her PhD thesis defense.
Congratulations, Dr. Cha!
Congratulations Eunji!
December 3rd 2021
Eunji has passed her Master thesis defense.
Congratulations Hobin!
December 3rd 2021
Hobin has passed his Master thesis defense.
Congratulations Bumsik!
May 31st 2021
Bumsik has passed his PhD thesis defense.
Congratulations, Dr. Cho!
Welcome Hansol!
March 1st 2021
Hansol joined the lab as a graduate student.
Congratulations Bumsik and Sangho!
September 8th 2020
With collaborations with the Nam lab and Perrimon lab, we first identified single-cell transcriptome profiles of the lymph gland hemocytes.
Cho B*, Yoon SH*, Lee D, Koranteng F, Tattikota SG, Cha N, Shin M, Do H, Hu Y, Oh SY, Moon SJ, Perrimon N, Nam JW* and Shim J* (2020) Single-cell transcriptome maps of myeloid blood cell lineages in Drosophila, Nature Communications, 11(1), 4483
Congratulations Nuri and Bumsik!
July 1st 2020
Nuri and Bumsik were awarded for Research Subsidies for PhD Researchers Program (NRF, Korea). Nuri and Bumsik will be funded by NRF.
Welcome Eunji!
March 1st 2020
Eunji joined the lab as a graduate student.
Congratulations Ferdinand, Mingyu, and Nuri!
February 29th 2020
In this review article, we summarize the role of lozenge in determination of prohemocytes into a special class of hemocyte, namely the crystal cell, and discuss molecules and signals controlling the lozenge function and its implication in immunity and stress response.
Koranteng F, Cha N, Shin N and Shim J (2020) The role of Lozenge in Drosophila hematopoiesis. Molecules and Cells, 43(2), 114-120
Congratulations Ferdinand!
February 29th 2020
Ferdinand earned his Master's Degree.
Congratulations Mingyu, Nuri, and Ferdinand!
January 31st 2020
In this study, we investigated heterogeneity of Drosophila plasmatocytes and a functional plasticity of each subtype.
Shin M*, Cha N*, Koranteng F*, Cho B and Shim J (2020) Subpopulation of macrophage-like plasmatocytes attenuates systemic growth via JAK/STAT in the Drosophila fat body, Frontiers in Immunology, 11:63
Welcome Daewon!
September 1st 2019
Daewon joined the lab as a graduate student.
Congratulations Jiwon!
July 1st 2019
Jiwon joined eLife as a Board of Reviewing Editor.
February 20th 2019
The Shim lab will be funded by Mid-Career Research Program (NRF, Korea) for 5 years (2019-2024).
Congratulations Bumsik!
July 11st 2018
In this study, we show mechanisms that demonstrate an integration of environmental carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) inputs that initiate a cascade of signaling events, involving multiple organs, as a stress response when the levels of these two important respiratory gases fall below a threshold.
Cho B, Spratford CM, Yoon S, Cha N, Banerjee U* and Shim J* (2018) Systemic control of immune cell development by integrated hypoxia chemosensation in Drosophila, Nature Communications, 9(1):2679
Welcome Hobin!
September 1st 2018
Hobin joined the lab as a graduate student.
April 4th 2017
Jiwon was selected as a Samsung Science and Technology Fellow.
Welcome Ferdinand!
March 1st 2017
Ferdinand joined the lab as a graduate student.
Welcome Bumsik, Nuri, and Mingyu!
March 1st 2016
Bumsik, Nuri, and Mingyu joined the lab as graduate students.
Welcome Sunggyu!
September 1st 2015
Sunggyu joined the lab as graduate students.